The Ultimate PE Beginners Routine

I’ve been Penis Enlargement for almost 2 years now and this is the routine that gave me the Quickest and Best Results so far

I’ve always been really lazy when it came to Penis Stretching and Jelqing but have come to learn that they are so Important. They speed the process up so much and Jelqing is also Great for getting more fresh blood flowing through your penis. This encourages growth!

So What Do you need for this Penis Enlargement Beginners Routine?

Remember this is my Ultimate Penis Enlargement Routine, for the fastest results.

  • Your hands
  • Oil for lubrication (I use Olive oil, love it!)
  • Penis Extender
  • Bathmate Penis Pump. (The Bathmate is my top Recommendation)
  • Time, Commitment and Consistency

If you can’t afford the tools I’m using in this routine, don’t worry. You will still get amazing results from following my Penis Stretching Routine and including Jelqing into that routine as well.

A Great alternative to a Penis Extender is an Uncle Jim’s Wrap

Make sure you wrap your penis, using the Uncle Jim’s Wrap technique , even though I have extenders I will Just sometimes do an Uncle Jim’s Wrap…….. this is a great technique to get your flaccid size to be almost as big as your erect size…… for those guys that has a large erection but small flaccid size….. this will really help with your flaccid size. It is a great way to keep your dick from turtling as well….. 

You will cement your gains so much faster after Jelqing and Penis Stretching if you wear this wrap. Buy it here

Edging is also important to include in any of your Penis Enlargement Routines!  Your gains will come quicker doing Edging…… I know this from experience!

Please Note: If you are going to use this Uncle Jims Wrapping technique instead of an extender you can wrap your penis every day, including your days off for ad long as you want, the longer you wear it the better the results!

If you can wear it all day – makes sure you take the wrapp of every hour or two hours, do a few dry jelqs and rotating stretches to get the blood flowing again and then rewrap your penis! 

Penis Enlargement Beginners Routine

As this is a Beginners Routine, it is important that you get your penis use to the exercises, the Extender and the Bathmate.

Don’t go into it with everything, It is so Important to get yourself use to this and after the first month you can start doing a more Advanced Routine! For now get your PENIS use to all of this!

Penis Extender Tension –

A Good Tension setting to start off with is this:

Measure your Erect Penis and take 4 cm off.

Example: If your Penis is 14 cm Erect – 4cm = 10cm this is the tension you should set your extender at in this example.

So every guy will be different, measure you erect length minus 4 cm  and that will be the Starting Length for you!

This might not feel like much of a stretch, but it is a great setting to start off with and get your penis use to being stretched – your penis will respond much better starting at this point and increasing it on a weekly or two weekly basis.

The Routine –

Warm up your penis – THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! Do it for about 5 -10 minutes. Once you are Nice and Warm you can start your Routine.

Day 1 (Bathmate and Extender day)

  • Wear your Sizegenetics Extender for 1 hour Total – I will say take breaks every 15 minutes.
  • After Every 15 minutes take the extender off – your penis might feel cold or cool – that is normal – as long as it doesn’t purple – you are fine. This will also get you use to putting it on and taking it off.
  • Do a few rotating stretches just to get blood flowing again.
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid Penis
  • Use to Bathmate for 6 – 8 minutes
  • Don’t pump to the maximum
  • It should never hurt

Day 2 (Manual Exercises day)

  • Warm your penis up
  • Stretch your Penis for 5 – 10 minutes
  • Warm your penis up
  • Stretch your Penis for 15 minutes following the below routine

 Downward stretches


  1. Pull your penis Straight down and hold for 30 seconds (I do 30 kegals and find the time goes quicker than me staring at the clock)
  2. Straight down to the left for 30 seconds
  3. Straight down to the right for 30 seconds
  4. Now do Rotating windmill stretches to restore blood



Straight Out and to the Sides Stretches


  1. Straight out
  2. To the right side
  3. To the left side
  4. Rotating stretches







Straight up and up and to the Sides Stretches

  1. Straight Up
  2. Up and to the left side
  3. Up and to the right side
  4. Rotating stretches





Behind the Leg Stretches

  1. Pull your penis straight behind the leg
  2. Behind the legs to the right
  3. Behind the legs to the left.
  4. Rotating stretches
  • Jelq your Penis for 5 minutes
  • No Extending with your Penis Extender Today






Day 3

  • Wear the extender for a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Take 4 breaks every 15 min
  • Do rotating stretches to get the blood flowing again
  • The final 30 minutes – try and wear your extender for the whole 30 minutes – if you can’t do it in 15 minute breaks again, but try for 30 minutes.
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid Penis
  • Use to Bathmate for 6 – 8 minutes
  • Don’t pump to the maximum
  • It should never hurt

Day 4 (Rest Day)

  • Rest Your Penis, no pumping or exercises
  • You can give your penis a warm cloth treatment for 5 minutes but it is not a must. Use a warm cloth and wrap around around your penis, will help with recovery….. PS Don’t burn yourself.

Day 5

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 5 – 10 minutes (follow the above Stretching routine)
  • Jelq for 5 minutes
  • Penis Extender  -Today your goal is to stretch for 2 hours, only taking a break every 30 minutes, that’s why it was important to try and do the last 30 minutes on  day 3.
  • Wear your Extender for 30 minutes
  • Take a break and do Rotating Stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat 4 x

Day 6

  • No Penis Extender extender today
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid Penis
  • Use to Bathmate for 6 – 8 minutes
  • Don’t pump to the maximum
  • It should never hurt

Day 7 (Rest Day)

  • Rest Your Penis, no pumping or exercises
  • You can give your penis a warm cloth treatment for 5 minutes but it is not a must. Use a warm cloth and wrap around around your penis, will help with recovery….. PS Don’t burn yourself.

Day 8

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 5 – 10 minutes (follow the above Stretching routine)
  • Jelq for 5 minutes
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total of

3 hours over 4 sessions of 45 minutes

  • Wear Extender 45 minutes
  • Do rotating stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat

Day 9

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

4 hours over 4 sessions of 60 minutes

  • Wear Extender for an hour
  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid Penis
  • Use to Bathmate for 10 minutes
  • Don’t pump to the maximum

Day 10 (Rest Day)

  • Rest Your Penis, no pumping or exercises
  • You can give your penis a warm cloth treatment for 5 minutes but it is not a must. Use a warm cloth and wrap around around your penis, will help with recovery….. PS Don’t burn yourself.

Day 11

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes (5 will do if you don’t have time)
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total4 hours 30 minutes  over 3 sessions of 90 minutes
    • Wear Extender for an 90 minutes
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds
    • Repeat

Day 12

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

5 hours and 15 minutes  over  sessions of 1 hour 45 minutes

  • Wear Extender for an 1 h 45 minutes
  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid Penis
  • Use to Bathmate for 10 minutes
  • Don’t pump to the maximum

Day 13 (Rest Day)

  • Rest Your Penis, no pumping or exercises
  • You can give your penis a warm cloth treatment for 5 minutes but it is not a must. Use a warm cloth and wrap around around your penis, will help with recovery….. PS Don’t burn yourself.

Day 14

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes
  • No Penis Extender today

Day 15

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

6 hours over 3 sessions of 2 hours each

  • Wear Extender for 2 hours
  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat
  • Enter the Bathmate with a Semi hard-on about 70% Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 10 minutes

Day 16 (only use your Penis Extender)

  • No pumping or exercises

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

7 hours over 3 sessions of 2 hours and 20 minutes

  • Wear Extender for an 2 hours and 20 minutes
  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds
  • Repeat

Day 17

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total8 hours over 2 sessions of 2 hours and 40 minutes
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 18

  • No Penis Extender today
  • Enter the Bathmate 70 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 10 minutes

Day 19

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total9 hours over 2 sessions of 4 hours and 1 session of 1 hour
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 20 (Rest Day)

  • Rest Your Penis, no pumping or exercises
  • You can give your penis a warm cloth treatment for 5 minutes.

Day 21

  • No Penis Extender Today
  • Enter the Bathmate 70 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 10 minutes

Day 22

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total10 hours over 2 sessions of 4 hours and 1 session of 2 hours
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 23 (Only Penis Extender)

  • No pumping or exercises
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total11 hours over 2 sessions of 5 hours and 1 session of 1 hour
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 24

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

12 hours over 2 sessions of 6 hours each

  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
  • Repeat
  • Enter the Bathmate 70 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 12 minutes

Day 25

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 10 minutes
  • Jelq for 10 minutes
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total12 hours over 2 sessions of 6 hours each
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 26

Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total

12 hours over 1 sessions of 9 hours and 1 session of 3 hour

  • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
  • Repeat
  • Enter the Bathmate 70 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 12 minutes

Day 27 (Only Extender)

  • No pumping or exercises
  • Your aim today is to wear the Sizegenetics extender for a total12 hours in one session
    • Do rotaing stretches for 30 seconds in each break
    • Repeat

Day 28

  • No Extender
  • Enter the Bathmate 80 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 15 minutes

Day 29

  • Warm Up (either use a warm cloth or under the shower
  • Stretch your penis for 15 minutes
  • Jelq for 15 minutes
  • Penis Extender 12 hours – take as many breaks as you want – each time you take a break – Do Rotating Stretching for 30 Seconds

Day 30

  • Penis Extender 12 hours – take as many breaks as you want but do Rotating stretches for 30 seconds in each break
  • Enter the Bathmate 80 % Erect
  • Use to Bathmate for 15 minutes

and that is It….. You’ve done your first Month!

 After the first 30 Days
  • You can now start thinking about taking less days off
  • You can Now Increase your Penis Stretching and Jelqing time
  • You can Use the Bathmate with a Full Erection
What you Shouldn’t Do.
  • I never do any more than 45 minutes of Jelqing.
  • I never use my Bathmate for more than 20 minutes a day (when I want to do a 20 minute session in my Bathmate, I do 5 minutes of pumping, 5 minutes of Jelqing. I feel this helps expand my penis more and also when I exceed about 13 minutes in my Bathmate in one go, I get Water Retention –  looks like a massive bubble under your skin just behind your head.)
  • I never Exercise till it Hurts

I’ve been doing PE for a while now, it is so important to listen to your body….. you DO NOT want to injure yourself.

I’ve never had an injury, and the reason is I warm up and I am careful…. if it hurst STOP immediately.

You will Get Gains from Following the above routine.

I would say most results will be achieved within 3 months of use.

How to use My Penis Extender with the above routine?

I use The Sizegenetics Penis Extender and also the VLC Tugger (for those who are uncut)

If you can’t afford any of the above make sure you wrap your penis, using the Uncle Jim’s Wrap technique , even tough I have extenders I will Just sometimes do an Uncle Jim’s Wrap…….. this is a great technique to get your flaccid size to be almost as big as your erect size…… for those guys that has a large erection but small flaccid size….. this will really help with your flaccid size

After Stretching and Jelqing I will put my Extender on and try and wear it for 2 – 6  hours (for beginners) 16 Hours for more advanced!

The longer you wear your extender the quicker your Penis will Grow!

Don’t have to high a tension…. your dick will just hurt after a while and you will not be able to wear it for the required time.


My Penis Extender tension – I measured my erect penis, take 4 cm of the erect length and set my extender to that length.

Example: If your Erect size is 14 cm – 4 cm = 10 cm. I would set my penis extender so it is 10 cm long…. This is a good starting length! You can then increase it how it suites you!

How to use the Bathmate with the above routine.

I always wear my extender during the day and tend to pump in the evenings, but you can do it how you prefer.

I sometimes find just to do a quick 2 minute pump, will loosen my penis and then wear my extender.

Don’t do a full pump…. Your Dick will be too Thick for your Extender!

When I started Penis Enlargement I use to enter the Bathmate with a Flaccid now I enter it with an Full Erection and the pump is just so amazing and last much longer, but I can definitely not fit into my extender if I do this, and this is why I leave the Bathmate till the end of the day.


OK, so when you first start using the Bathmate, the Immediate gains will Blow you away, but it tends  disappears quickly again 2 to 4 hours….. Don’t stress about this, once you’ve done your first 30 days, you can start using your Bathmate will a Full Erection, this pump will last much longer 6 – 12 hours.

I’ve now been using the Bathmate for almost 2 year, and My Pump Last All Day!

I now use my Bathmate Everyday and I just absolutely love it.  Gives you such a nice Visible Penis Line…. you can see people looking… which is a great feeling.

The Bathmate also makes the manual stuff some much more productive and fun and when I see my big pumped penis every day , I feel inspired to carry on with the manual stuff.

The manual exercises can be tedious from time to time…. but they are important.

I wasn’t a great fan of just stretching and jelqing but now with the bathmate I feel more inspired, as I know now you need the manual exercises and they are so important in Penis Enlargement and Penis health.

This routine and using all of this together will Give you the Best Results!

Supporting Elite Manliness

If you like my blog and want to support me – you can buy the Tools I use  through these link!

My Bathmate Shop!

My Sizegenetics Extender!


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