In the post: How big are the biggest cocks in porn? Porn Star Penis Measurements, we talked about how the industry exaggerates porn stars penis measurements.
In this article, I will be showing you my dick pics to compare it against Mandingo´s, simply because:
My penis is the only one I have in hand, and I am 100% certain of my measurements
OK, so let´s get to business.
Here is Mandingo´s dick:
Looks huge right?
However it isn´t huge because there is a ruler next to it proving that he has a “monster cock”. It is just that it looks very long.
No homo here, but think for a second about how many hands would you need to cover the entire shaft…3, maybe 4?
Well…the above picture is a shot of Mandingo´s dick increased by the camera angle, we haven´t got any other penis image next to it to compare the size.
However lets take a look at the following image, where Mandingo places a hand on his shaft…and lets compare it against a pic of my dick (proof its mine) :
It doesn´t looks so big now…Does it?
We can clearly see that if Mandingo adds a second hand to the existing one that is in the base, he would cover his complete penis shaft, just leaving the glans uncovered.
And NO, I am not bone pressing my hands. If I place my two hands on my shaft, there is more uncovered shaft exposed.
Don´t hate guys, I have sweat blood to achieve my current size. You can also make it happen with the Elite Hanger + Length Device:

There is a rare scene where we can see Mandingo grabbing his dick with his two hands:
By the way, Manding does something that almost all actors do : He rarely grabs his dick. Just the girls (which are short with smalls hands in comparison to those of a man) shooting a scene with him do.
It is extremely rare to catch a scene of Mandingo grabbing his dick with both of his hands, this way there will be a lot of fools thinking 4 hands are needed to grab his full dick (porn viewers are easily tricked with the use of cameras, lens and framing angles). That is why when they see a big dick, they exclaim : Its 25, 30 or 35 cms long
As if those sizes are normal for a human being. If in those videos men with 7 heads and 5 arms appeared, there are many who wouldn´t doubt it.
Add to this that many don´t know how to give a estimate size using just their eyes…
Mandingo´s penis size isn´t 25 or 30 cms, much less 35 cm (14 inches) as his web site proudly boasts.
How do I know? Well, my penis size doesn´t reach 20 cms

In Porn, penises are never measured (at least in the correct way). So the best way to estimate the size is to compare it with the size of the hands or with other parts of the body of men (actresses in porn are short, with small hands, head and mouth)
When you grab a penis, the visible part of the hand is the fist.
The width of a fist is equal to the sum of the 4 fingers of that hand.
The width of a fist of an adult man (at the height of the knuckles) is between 7 and 8 cms
The average size of the forearm of an adult man, from the elbow to his wrist is approximately 25cm lengthwise.
There isn´t a single video or image of a man that has a penis size as big as his forearm. With the exception of the vids of FreaksofCock where the actors use fake penis sleeves and extensions.
What happens with Mandingo (and with most of porn actors) is that the majority of these girls only put the glans and a little bit more in their mouth when they are sucking dick. They make you think this way that the dick is SOOOO HUGEEE, that they can just blow the tip of it. But the truth is that when a girl really wants to swallow like Bobi Bliss in the image above, she will even swallow the balls (because that penis isn´t 25, 30 or 35 cms)
In the following image you can appreciate how a small girl , with just one fist, covers almost half of Mandingo´s shaft:
Many people also say that Mandingo´s dick is more than 30 cms long because the tip of his penis reaches his ribs when he pulls it up : TOTALLY FALSE
When a man is erect and standing up, the distance from the navel to the pube is approximately 18 to 20 cms.
As you can see in the following image, the tip of his penis just barely surpasses his navel (around 1 cm)
The only way the tip of Mandingo´s penis may reach his ribs is if he hinges forward and flexes his legs. Mandingo always does this (this way, if the day of tomorrow he is no longer able to work in the Porn Industry, he can start selling useless penis enhancement pills with his name on them). This is the only way his penis can surpass the level of the navel and give the illusion that he is SOOOOOOOO HUGEEEEEE.
Why do many men that watch porn think that these kind of sizes exist?
The average penis size, lengthwise, is between 13-14 cm (bone pressed)
According to a study of the condom brand DUREX, the average penis size in Spain (where I am from) is 13,5cm. That means that most men have a average penis size that is between 12.5-14.5 cm
But most men want to remain in ignorance when it comes to facts. They prefer “feeling small” and compare their 14 cms with the “25 cms porn dicks”
If anyone thinks that Mandingo´s dick is 25-30 cms long is because they have or have been with (in the case of women) a dick that is much more smaller (12-13cm erect, the majority). And obviously if you are going to compare this size with Mandingo´s its going to look huge. It is not a coincidence that most of the studies about the average penis size always end up in the same range : 13-15 cms…because that is what a real and normal penis looks like.
The following image explains why many believe Mandingo is 25-30 cm. In this pic we can see the penis of several porn actors which are average size : 12-15cm , which is the length that the majority of men have.
Taking into account all the visual references (navel, hands, etc…) I can confidently say Mandingo´s dick size is between 20-21cm approximately
Are there men with a dick of 25 cms or more? I don´t know, but I have never seen an image proof…and much less in the porn industry were everyone exaggerates their real size or they perform “accurate measurements” (sarcasm) as Castro Caliente : the man of “28 centimeters” (11 inches)
Don´t forget also that in any sex-shop you can buy measuring tapes that are “tricked” so that 1cm, shows up as 1.5-2 cms. Such tapes have been used by more than one actor (such as Lexington Steele) so that his penis “may be” 11 inches.
Using all these special tricks is the reason why:
1. In all “big dick” videos, the penises may vary mysteriously in size. In certain parts it may look longer and in others, smaller
2. All the “big dick” actors, look bigger in pics that in the actual video (images can be easily photoshopped). Moreover all “big dick” porn sites (Brazzers, MonstersOfCock, Mandingo, etc..) photoshop their pics.
Take the following image of Monsters of Cock as an example (“Monster Dicks” such as :Castro Caliente, Johnny Sins, Johnny Dark, Ramón, etc..). This is the before – after. Notice how the same pattern of veins has been replicated along the penis shaft.
Another actor that has entered the “big dick club” is Johnny Dark. This guy supposedly does “amateur videos” (Amateur? LOL! they are actually recorded with the most sophisticated and professional video equipment).
His dick looks huge, as long as it is recored from above, in a POV angle and with a lens that distorts its size.
The POV angle is used a lot in porn as it makes cocks look much bigger than they are because:
1. They use lenses that distort the image
2. The dick is closer to the lens than to the body of the girl, which is much lower (at the back and away from the camera). Therefore, the cock in the foreground seems much larger when compared to the body of the girl which is much further away.
That is the reason why when the cock is sideways or the girl grabs it with her hand, it does not seem so big.
Since the dick of this actor does not measure “twenty centimeters”, the little hand of this little Asian girl covers half of its length as seen in this image, where she only puts the tip in her mouth (Swallow that “monster dick” you little cunt! LOL)
Pour Conclure
Mandingo´s case is exactly the same as most of other porn actors: they exaggerate their measurements (that is why you will never see a real measuring tape near their dicks). If we use logic and common sense we can easily find out the truth
Here is a vid of my 18 cms penis. If you want to have a closer look at my before-after girth and length, you can do so here, and here
3 replies to "The Truth About Mandingo´s Dick (Aka Fred Foolish)"
The issue here is, that u are comparing yourself agains “semi” erect Mandingo. Sure, he is like 20-21cm in the second picture, it’s obvious that he has to hold himself to stay at least somehow hard….but when u honestly compare him when fully erect,you can see he is pure 25cm. And yes, its real and I know, because I have the same size as him and also sometimes the same issues of stayin hard, so sometimes its 20-21,sometimes 22-23 and sometimes 25, rly depends on the day. My 5 cents…
He is probably closer to 23cm, but not too far from it either way. I have a legitimate 19cm and he is a little larger than me… not by much.
You NEVER see Mandingo in a “Soft” mode. EVERY porn that he’s in it’s always hard already. I honestly believe he used penis enhancers when he first started and even a possible surgery. It never looked real to me. You NEVER see it grow to size…always HARD already. Nothing on TV is a 100 real anyways..even these regular celebrities. They look tall on tv and when you catch a glimpse of them in real life, they are way shorter than you can imagine.
Those sex toys are also exaggerated and probably used a donkey as a model and then fill in details to match the porn stars. just my opinion.