Porn and Masturbation – Personal Story

Last time I masturbated was in 2015. Last time I watched porn was probably 2014. And I am never looking back. Quitting porn and masturbation has definitely played a big role in my success, whether it is fucking more than 100 girls, getting ripped and strong, getting the drive to make money, learn languages or just improving my life in general.

Porn and masturbation is a worldwide problem. Guys all over the world are addicted. There are scientific studies and tons of forums and online communities about the harmful effects of PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm).

I didn’t know all this when I personally stopped watching porn and masturbating though. I just rationalized that it would help me utilize my heightened sex drive to take more action and boost my self-improvement. Quitting porn and masturbation has turned out to benefit me so TREMENDOUSLY in many ways, and that is why I am writing this article: To inspire you to do the same and get more out of your life.

Reasons to quit porn and masturbation (PMO)

Reduce PSYCHOLOGICAL erectile dysfunction

Watching porn desensitizes you psychologically. The sex in porn is often very wild, with a lot of fetishes. The more porn you watch, the more extreme videos you probably want. This is a problem, because your brain will then require more extreme sex to get turned on. So when you meet a girl in real life and have real-life sex with her (which is not as crazy as in porn) you might have problems getting turned on.

Also, porn has ridiculously hot girls with unnatural perfect bodies. If your brain get used to this extreme high quality of women, you might have problems getting a boner when you meet a real life girl with a natural body (where the tits might hang a bit, she might not have pornstar lips, and she might smell of alcohol if she is drunk and have dark hairs on her arms if she is Spanish.) Quitting porn will make you psychologically turned on easier and make you enjoy REAL girls more.

Reduce PHYSICAL erectile dysfunction

Masturbating desensitizes you physically. When you masturbate, your dick gets accustomed to the physical stimulation of YOUR OWN HAND and the way YOUR HAND stimulates your dick. It is a problem, because YOUR HAND knows EXACTLY how to stimulate your dick PERFECTLY. So when a girl gives you handjob/blowjob or when your dick is inside a real vagina, the stimulation is probably not as PERFECT as your hand. Therefore, you might have problems getting/keeping an erection with a real girl. Quitting masturbation will therefore make you physically more sensitive to real touch. Quitting masturbation will make you get boners out of the blue (seeing a hot girl in a skirt, dancing with girls, kissing girls) where your dick might have been totally dead before.

Last longer in bed

When you masturbate, there is only one goal: your own pleasure and orgasm. Masturbating empowers the habit of “getting really turned on and cum”. This will affect your sex with real girls, because you will be used to “getting really turned on and cum”. Quitting masturbation will change your focus to mutual stimulation and will therefore make you last longer in bed.

Get a bigger dick

Pornstars have huge dicks… Mostly the males, but also some of the girls (which is pretty weird, but that’s another discussion). When you watch porn, you will get used to see huge monster cocks. We judge ourselves compared to our view of the world. Therefore, you will see your own dick as smaller than it actually is, because you unconsciously compare it to the pornstar dicks. I have always thought my dick was small, but I have realized it’s actually bigger than average! Psychologically, quitting porn will give you a much bigger dick. This is seriously awesome. Combine this with penis enlargement and devices that work like the Bathmate, and your sexual self-esteem will be through the roof!

Get motivated to take action and improve your life

Everyone likes hot girls. Everyone likes sexual stimulation. Watching porn and masturbating is a really easy way to “get” hot girls and sex. It is much easier than going out in the streets/nightlife to hit on girls, getting rejected and meeting resistance. Therefore, a lot of guys choose porn and masturbation, as “the easy way out”.

This is a clear waste of your most important drive in life: your sex drive. UTILIZE your sex drive to move forward in life, get EXPERIENCE and IMPROVE. Don’t you feel empty after you cum in the toilet paper? When I masturbated, I personally felt like a fiasco that had just wasted my urge, instead of using it as fuel to move forward. By quitting porn and masturbation, you get much more motivation to go out and build a successful life – because you simply HAVE TO TAKE ACTION, in order to get hot girls and sexual stimulation.

Help your brain (your brain is stupid)

Remember, your brain is an old animal brain. It doesn’t know what the fuck internet and porn is. It only knows that you are an animal, and it wants you to survive and reproduce your genes (make babies). So when you sit at home watching hot girls online, and when you get an orgasm, your brain rewards you. It thinks you have just impregnated a female, and thereby biologically reproduced, so it releases opiates and dopamine and other really REALLY pleasurable (and addicting) hormones, to reward you for your seemingly “successful” behavior.

Problem is, you didn’t do anything successful. You didn’t go out like a man and hit on girls. You didn’t get laid because you fought to build a social status or worked hard to get a lot of financial success. You just sat on your fat lazy ass and stroked your dick. So porn/masturbation rewards BAD and LAZY behavior, thereby empowering bad habits. Habits are EVERYTHING in life. SO fucking important. It is your responsibility to quit porn and masturbation to improve your habits. Help your brain to help you.

Make the most of your life

Watching porn and masturbating takes time – especially if you do it a lot. Why waste time on something that you KNOW is bad for you. Use your time efficiently instead. Don’t choose short term fixes over long term success. Do you want to keep wanking like a loser for the next 2 years, or can you handle a bit of sexual frustration now, so that you can fight harder to improve your life and have sex with lots of hot willing teenage girls instead? Work hard now and reap the benefits later.

Be a creator, not a spectator

I’m a big believer in CONTRIBUTING. I believe in GIVING something to the world, instead of TAKING. By masturbating to porn, you are just a (non)fucking spectator that takes the entertainment other people have created. Of course you should think about yourself, and your own needs – and you should definitely want to look at hot girls and cum. But what about ADDING something to the world while you get your own needs fulfilled, by giving girls the sexual experiences they crave – while fulfilling your own desires at the same time?

Have way more fun

I will repeat it again: of course you should think about yourself and your own needs. It is okay to be egoistic; everyone is when it comes down to it. On that point, I recommend you to have real sex instead of porn and masturbation. Let’s just be honest: Masturbation is fucking boring compared to real sex. You can tell me that porn might fulfill some crazier fantasies than you can with real sex. But seriously – that’s bullshit.

1 – You don’t fulfill your fantasy by watching someone else do it.

2 – You CAN actually live out your fantasies with a real girl.

Also, when you have real sex, you get the PERSONAL COMPANY of a real human being, and you get the personal validation, you get the human INTERACTION, and after sex you can cuddle and caress each other, which feels awesome. Real sex is way more fun.

Get free workouts with no conscious “effort”

Surprise! Masturbation and porn won’t give you the physical workout that you get from sex. When you pound a girl, you actually burn quite a few calories, improve your cardiovascular health and work out your muscles, especially your abs and glutes. As you know, physical activity is very good for a lot of reasons, and you “automatically” get this by having real sex. Nice!

Be more NORMAL (in the right way)

Let’s think about this… A man sits at home looking at some pixels that moves on a screen while he touches himself until he shoots his load into a piece of toilet paper. Its fuckin weird. It must be unhealthy psychologically in the long term. I’m not usually a fan of the word, but this time, I actually advice you to try to be “normal”, as in “a normal human being that is not fucked up by our sick society”

Conclusion: Quit PMO

The only right decision is in my opinion to quit porn and masturbation. There are so many benefits, and the downsides are very few. Actually, the only downside I see is that if you stop masturbating, and you don’t get a lot of sex, there is a risk that you cum pretty quickly when you finally fuck someone. But hey, take a few minutes of pause where you finger her. Then make her suck your dick hard and start round two. It’s no big deal. You WILL be turned on again, because your brain will no longer be desensitized and fucked up from all the porn. And you are getting laid with a real girl = good job no matter what.

Also, I want to mention, that it is by no means wrong to get an erection or touch yourself to get hard for penis enlargement exercises, and stuff like that. Just don’t masturbate anywhere close to an orgasm.

Action Plan

Take a decision right now, and quit porn and masturbation for good. I PROMISE you, that in just a few months or a year, you will be happy you did.

I tried gradually quitting at first, but it didn’t work, therefore I would actually recommend going cold turkey.

Steps to take RIGHT NOW

  • Search google for a website blocker for your browser and block all the porn sites you know. I use Leechblock for Firefox.
  • Remove the toilet paper from your desk!!!
  • Place your computer in the living room (so you dont want to watch porn there)
  • Hit on girls and have as much sex as possible
  • Do everything you can to destroy the unhealthy habit of wanking and watching porn.

It might be really hard in the beginning. It is hard to change habits. You might find yourself looking at porn and masturbating after 2 weeks, because you simple couldn’t resist. But then remind yourself that you are choosing to prioritize long term results over short term pleasure, and try again. It took me a few tries myself. But I swear, it is one of the best decisions of my life. Prepare yourself for success!

Additional information about PMO

If you want to read more about PMO, check out:

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    1 Response to "Why You Should Quit Porn And Masturbation"

    • Nirav

      Very good nice True and best article

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