Measure your penis first before you even think about how you can stretch and jelq it. You should know where your junk currently stands and where you want it to be in a couple of months. Accurately measuring it will help you know how effective your efforts are, track your progress, and motivate you in the long run.

When to Measure

First of all, you do not need to measure your penis every day or even every week. You will be only disappointed or discouraged. Why? Because penis enlargement is a long and arduous process. Gains can be as little as a fraction of millimeter, and you would not even know or feel that.

What is recommended is to measure it the first day of your penis enlargement attempt. Then, set intervals on when you should measure it again. Measuring every month is ideal.

How to Measure Penis Length

To measure your penis, get a straight-edge ruler — that is basically all you need. Once you’ve procured the ruler, work your penis up until it is erect and rock-solid. On a different note, you can also measure your penis when flaccid to know more about your junk.

Take note that there are two “recommended” methods in measuring your penis. The first one is bone-pressed, which is often abbreviated or called as BP measurement. The second one is non-bone-pressed (NBP measurement).


As its name implies, using the bone-pressed method needs you to start measuring from the pubic bone all the way to the tip of your penis. When measuring, press the ruler down to your pubic bone until you feel the ruler colliding with it. Then, check the measurement.

Most people swear that this method is the best one mainly because it provides consistent and accurate measurements. Also, it gives your penis longer measurement.

No- Bone-Pressed

In this method, place the ruler on top of your pubic skin. The ruler should not even dig into your pubic skin or fat. Measurement can be inconsistent with this method. However, this is preferred if you are more focused on the aesthetics of your penis and are into weight loss and penis enlargement at the same time.

Notes on Measurement

Before you start monitoring the progress of your penis enlargement program or exercises, be sure to pick one of the two methods. Be reminded that the two give different measurements. However, it does not mean that you should only use one. You can measure and take note of measurements using both methods.

In addition, when taking measurements, make sure to be consistent on how you measure. For example, if you measured when you were standing, the consequent measurements must be performed when you are standing, too. Then again, there will be no one to flame you if you measure your penis in multiple ways and get data as much as possible.

How to Measure Penis Girth

For this one, you will need a tape measure. If you do not have one, you can use a non-stretchable string or a piece of paper and a ruler. Again, you can measure your penis when it is flaccid or erect. Of course, it is much more important to measure it while it is erect.

Anyway, to measure, wrap your tape measure around your penis. Then check its circumference. If you are going to use the string or paper route, wrap it around the material on your penis. Take note of the part of material that met the other end. After that, measure the length on a ruler to get your girth.

If your penis has a consistent girth from base to shaft, you can just measure the mid part of your penis. However, if the thickness of your penis is uneven, you might want to consider measuring the girth at the glans, mid-shaft, and base.


Measure Your Penis With The Bathmate Meauring Gauge. Click Here

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