These last two years I have gained over an inch in girth

My gains are quite visible in my before & after pics – video

This is a pic of my dick before starting, it is a screenshot from a video I recorded (videos can´t be photoshopped):


And this is the most recent pic:

20160506_152009-e1464883528308 (1)

However after gaining a full inch in girth, I wanted to continue growing…

It was really hard to make further gains, I was stuck, so I decided to make a few important changes:

  • Update my bathmate hercules to the hydromax xtreme
  • Buy an extender even though length isn´t my goal, but mainly to comply with the TGC theory, my limiting factor is the tunica
  • 20 min jelqing and 10 minute bathmate session broken down as follows – 2 to 3 minute pump followed by 1-2 minute massage X 2 if desired.
  • Supplements to heal faster and speed up recovery

After all these changes, I have gained in a few months around half an inch:

Before 13.8cm
Before 13.8cm
After 15.2 cm
After 15.2 cm

Bathmate Hdryomax Xtreme X30

Updating my Bathmate Hercules to the Hydromax Xtreme has played a big role in allowing me to break through my plateau.

Supplementing myself with the Horny Goat Weed has also helped me to increase the intensity of my workouts without suffering any negative physiologic indicators.

In the following videos you can see me unboxing the hydromax xtreme, using it and explaining the new features of this pump:

Important Note:

Do not use the pump erect, use for up to 15 minutes a day broken down as follows – Pump for 2-3 minutes followed by 2 minute massage. This can be repeated a further 2 times (15 minutes total in any 24 hour period)

Please follow guidelines set out in manufacturers guide.

Using The Hydromax Xtreme: New Features, My Journey in PE & Tips For Effective Use

P.D: The Xtreme 30 has been renamed to HydroXtreme7

Click Here To Buy The Hydromax Xtreme,

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    7 replies to "Bathmate Hydromax Xtreme 30: Review & New Gains"

    • Anonymous

      Can you make a full masterbating tips video and how to clean up ejaculation?

    • Jimmy Tom

      I like to experience this wonderful producuct of yours

    • mike

      hello man dose dis work

    • David

      Just curious, if you were to stop, about what perentage of your gains do you think you would keep… And how long should each PE session last and for how many days a week? Thanks for posting and Very inspiring!

    • Luigi Domenico

      If you cement your gains (dont stop suddenly, but continue with “light workout” for 6-12 months after you get your ideal size) you don´t lose any of your gains. This has been my case 🙂

      Regarding the duration of your workout, depends wether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. My sessions jelqing + bathmate last around 1 hour and a half

    • Noname2000

      how many centimeters you increase

    • Chandra Ludy

      How much? How long to use?

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